on RFSoC Boards

System on Module

i.MX 91 Modules

Explore an extensive portfolio of System on Modules powered by various MPUs from NXP, TI, Renesas and ST, and available in OSM, SMARC, Qseven and SODIMM standards.
Discover FPGA and Soc FPGA powered System on Modules, Single Board Computers, PCIe and FMC Cards which are built to empower your product development and innovation.
Telematics Control Unit, Telematics Gateways, V2X Solutions and protocol stacks enabling digitization in the automotive environment and unlocking connected vehicle data.
Scalable and custom HMI Solutions built in varying sizes of 7”, 10.1”, 12.1”, 17.1” and feature rich with wired and wireless interfaces, rugged enclosures and powerful processors.
An extensive portfolio of Industrial IoT Gateways, Edge AI Gateways and LoRaWAN Gateways which are built on a modular architecture to suit a variety of applications.
A suite of powerful ARINC IP Cores : ARINC 818-2 and ARINC 664, complemented by ARINC Solutions such as recorders , monitors , protocol converters and video analyzers.